TNBA Week is and always has been our most exciting week (ten days) of the year. This is when we hold our national convention, conducting our organization’s business, and run our National Bowling Tournament. This is when we celebrate 10 days of TNBA activity. Our National Office does an outstanding job. Thank you, TNBA Week Committee this is all about teamwork.
During TNBA Week, prepare yourself for our National Annual Convention. This is where important business is conducted and important decisions are made. Delegates from our 100+ senates report back to their respective Senates of the policies and decisions made during their stay.
TNBA’s National Championship Tournament is held during TNBA Week. Expect 10 days of bowling; Team events, singles & doubles, mixed doubles, senior events, battle of the sexes tournament, and all the activities that go with it including brackets, side pots, 50-50, etc.
TNBA week include other activities; the George Hull Golf Tournament, the Joe Thomas King & Queen Ball, TNBA’s annual Hall of Fame and Awards banquet, just to name a few. Prepare yourself for fun and excitement during TNBA Week.