The National Bowling Association will have our 2025 TNBA Week, our 86th Anniversary, our 85th Annual Convention and our 83rd Championship Tournament in Las Vegas, NV. on May 23 thru June 1, 2025. Check out our TNBA Week tab for TNBA Week 2025 to see what’s instore for you. Here you will find hotel and overflow information, bowling center and tournament locations, convention action and many of the other activities planned for TNBA Week 2025. TNBA’s Souvenir Yearbook Program highlights these activities as well as senates annual recordings and high points in its annual yearbook journal.
Here, in this year’s souvenir yearbook journal is where you can highlight your senate, where you can be included in TNBA’s historical journey. In addition to submitting their own ads, many senates submit acknowledgments from their leagues, bowling establishments, and from vendors they have supported throughout the year. Bowling establishments may welcome the opportunity to give a little back to those who gave so much to them.
As in past issues of TNBAs Souvenir Yearbook Journal, we will continue this year to highlight specific senate activity. In the past we have honored our first responders and our military personnel. We have recognized our senate founding fathers and highlighted our senates’ histories. This year, we will focus on our Senate Juniors. If you have junior bowlers, junior council members (both present and past) senate members who were TNBA junior bowlers, or juniors who have supported your senate and you wish to recognize, include them in the free Senate Junior page offered in this year’s journal. This page could include pictures, titles and/or small writeups. These pages along with your senate’s high scores and paid senate ads will be included in our online edition of the journal.
To participate in this program, use the forms below to submit your paid and free ads, and submit your free adult and junior scores to be include in the 2025 Souvenir Yearbook Journal. The forms include the ad order form, input forms for adult and junior high scores and the cover letter, program information pages.
TNBA’s 2025 Souvenir Yearbook Journal will be published electronically online. However, we are providing the opportunity to order hard copies of this yearbook. The cost for this book will be $30.00 each. Let me know if you wish to be added to the list and how many books you want to order. Just email or text me and I’ll include you on that list. Only a limited number of books will be published, they will be available on first come, first served basis. Call or email me if you have any questions or need additional information.
(513) 769-1985 Ext. 235
Click on the picture below to enjoy the current edition of TNBA’s 2024 Souvenir Yearbook Journal.
Click on the picture below to enjoy the 2023 edition of TNBA’s Souvenir Yearbook Journal.
DEADLINE FOR ALL AD/PATRON SUBMISSIONS for the 2025 Yearbook is MARCH 15, 2025.
Take a look at some of our prior year Yearbooks!