Come join LA Dodgers’ Mookie Betts, and Atlanta Braves’ Michael Harris II as they host the FRIENDS FOR FUN Mixer Tournaments!!
MLB World Series Champs Mookie Betts and Michael Harris II are throwing a Mixer tournament and everyone is invited. The only requirement is that you be a TNBA member. The tournament will include the Adult/Youth Mixer, the Century Doubles Mixer and the Open Doubles Mixer and will be held in Louisville, Kentucky, January 12-14, 2024.
Get your entries in early as we anticipate this tournament to fill up fast. All early bird entries will be placed in a drawing for autographed memorabilia. Come join these and other celebrity Bowlers for a fun filled weekend!!
The Tournament Committee includes Diana Collins, Angie Jones, Annette Samuel-Triggs, Allison Wilkerson, and L’Tanya Hague. For additional information contact Diana Collins 615-397-3213.